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Taste period: April 2023

Originally produced in Japan and sold globally, it is one of the top ten super healthy foods and has won numerous awards.

-50-year-old Pyrenoidosa variety, containing Sporopollenin

Can effectively bind heavy metals and chemical toxins including dioxins, and excrete them from the body

-Effectively reduce the concentration of dioxins passed from breast milk to babies

-The only NSFSport certified chlorella product

-MLB, NHL and CFL approved health care products

-The best protein supplement for athletes

-The best choice for healthy diet

-Can be added to water, juice, tea or milk to drink

-It can be added to daily cooking food


Sun Chlorella 升康力小球藻於日照最豐富的赤道周邊島嶼培育出富含小球藻生長因子CGF,近60%的蛋白質,18種氨基酸,16種維生素,11種礦物質和比普通蔬菜好幾倍的葉綠素等,擁有人體所需要的營養素,具有珍貴細胞修復作用的一顆顆翠綠如寶石般的球狀綠藻,名為升康力小球藻。它擁有極其旺盛的生命力,每過20小時就會分裂成4個,更能產生數十倍於其他植物的光合作用,被譽稱「罐裝的太陽」。升康力小球藻素使用這種神奇的小球藻精華作為原料,幫助身體細胞恢復健康活力,增強免疫調節。升康力小球藻素已經贏得了全球30多個國家健康人士的推崇和喜愛。


小球藻含完整的營養素,但它的細胞非常堅硬,必須經過破壁處理,體才能真正吸收它的豐富營養,日本升康力小球藻採用了獨一無二的專利破壁技術 - DYNO-MILL。分解開這層細胞壁,確保破壁率達95%以上,使人體對它的吸收能力大大提高。雖然巿場上其他的生產方法如高壓,高溫擊碎法或採用化學劑生產都能造到若干的破壁效果,但過程中會使營養被破壞而降低。

Chlorella Powder - 6g x 30 packets

SKU: A10003
HK$780.00 Regular Price
HK$680.00Sale Price
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