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While modern life brings convenience to people, it also brings various pathogenic factors that have adverse effects on health. Such as car exhaust gas, harmful gases released from decoration and furniture, extensive use of cleaning agents (many of which contain stubborn substances), electromagnetic radiation generated by computers and mobile phones, and residues of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in food. If we do not take timely measures to actively respond to such environmental pollution problems, various virions will accumulate in the body for a long time, resulting in a decline in the body's immunity, which poses a great threat to health.

Toxic World

Toxic World

Toxic World
Toxic everywhere

Toxic everywhere

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Chlorella detox

Chlorella detox

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Toxic world

Toxic world

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What is heavy Metal

"Heavy metals" generally refer to a group of metal elements with a density of more than 5 grams per cubic centimeter. There are currently about forty kinds of metal elements known. Including: mercury, gold, chromium, copper, cadmium, zinc, lead, etc. Although arsenic is a non-metal, there are many similar properties between arsenic and heavy metals, so they are generally combined in heavy metals.

How heavy metals enter and harm the human body
Heavy metals enter the body through diet, breathing or direct contact, but unlike other toxins, heavy metals cannot be catabolized in the liver and then excreted. In contrast, it is very easy to accumulate in organs such as the brain and kidneys, and gradually damage the normal functions of the body.

After heavy metals enter the human body, most of them will be combined with proteins and nucleic acids (DNA, RNA) in our body. The main function of protein in organisms is to carry out enzyme reactions. When these enzymes are combined with heavy metals, the activity of the enzymes will disappear or weaken. On the other hand, when heavy metals and nucleic acids are combined, they will cause changes in the structure of nucleic acids, causing gene mutations, affecting cell inheritance, and causing teratogenesis or cancer.


The German medical community discovered that the cell membrane of Chlorella contains the special substance "Sporopollein", but it only exists in the Chlorella Pyrenoidosa species. This substance not only has the function of confirming poisons, but also has the characteristics of combining with various toxins without reversing. It can excrete various toxins, heavy metals and stubborn substances from the body together to purify the body. Chlorella has been found to be the only one in the world to have its unique detox function towards Dioxin.

Dioxin is not naturally occurring, it is a kind of organic compound containing chlorine and dioxane, with more than 200 homologues and isomers. Dioxins often exist as tiny particles in the atmosphere, soil and water. The main sources of pollution are chemical and metallurgical industries, waste incineration, papermaking, and pesticide production. Plastic bags and PVC (polyvinyl chloride) soft rubber used in daily life all contain chlorine. When these items are burned, dioxins are released and suspended in the air.

Dioxins are fat-soluble and very toxic. Its toxicity is 130 times that of cyanide and 900 times that of arsenic. It is known as the "Poison of the Century". Incineration of garbage is the main source of dioxins. Ninety percent of the dioxin that enters the human body comes through the channel of "eating". Dioxins are very stable and difficult to degrade in the environment. They are difficult to be excreted after entering the human body. They will only accumulate in the human body and will only increase. Dioxin has a strong stubbornness and can cause malformations and damage the immune function and reproductive function of the human body. The International Research Center for Chronic Diseases has classified dioxin as a class-A cancer-causing substance for humans.

Heavy metal poisoning incidents

Food poisoned by cadmium-contaminated rice

In the 1970s, a strange disease called "Itai-itai disease" appeared in Jintonghe District, Toyama Prefecture, Japan. The patient suffered severe pain throughout the body and softened bones. Later, it was discovered that the cadmium in the dead bodies was 159 times higher than that in normal people. The cadmium content in other organs was also dozens or even hundreds of times higher than normal people. Later, it was discovered that the source of cadmium came from cadmium-containing sewage discharged from upstream industries in the area, polluting rivers and farmland. Cadmium is more easily absorbed by crops, vegetables, and rice than other heavy metals. After people eat contaminated crops, cadmium accumulates in the liver and kidneys, leading to renal tubular proteinuria, loss of appetite, osteomalacia and other symptoms. The patient feels intense pain in the body. Medical experts finally recommended that the affected citizens take chlorella, and the cadmium in their excrement increased significantly, which greatly reduced the poisoning condition and gradually returned to health.

Taizhou "Blood Lead Tribulation"

In mid-March 2011, in Fengjiang Street, Luqiao District, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province, a "Taizhou Suqi Battery Co., Ltd." built in the middle of a residential area was exposed to lead pollution causing 168 local villagers that exceeded the standard.

In fact, many heavy metal pollution incidents in Taizhou in recent years are related to its scrap metal waste dismantling industry. As the country's largest foreign garbage market, Taizhou has dismantled the output value of these scrap metal garbage as high as more than 20 billion yuan. While creating gold and silver mountains, the environmental problems caused have also increased. According to an investigation report of Zhejiang Geological Survey Institute, the land contaminated by heavy metals at a moderate level or above in Fengjiang area accounts for 1/3 of the land area of the investigation area. "Compound pollution by organic pollutants has significantly affected the quality of the land and brought significant food safety issues.

Ingestion of mercury contaminated seafood poisoning

A strange disease appeared in Mizuma City, Kyushu, Japan. There was a little girl with paralyzed limbs, decreased nerve function, abnormal behavior, and decreased hearing and vision. Over the next eight years, more than a hundred cases have appeared one after another. Finally, it was discovered that a factory near Mizuno City used mercury as a catalyst. The industrial wastewater discharged from it polluted the harbor and destroyed the marine ecology. After human consumption of contaminated fish and seafood, the poisoning caused disease. The Japanese government established an expert group to respond. The medical experts recommend taking chlorella, which greatly reduces the poisoning condition and restores health.


Dekang (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. 

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